When using your CleanFreak® EasySweep 24" sweeper, this main filter needs to be maintained to optimize the life and filtering efficiency of the vacuum motors on your machine. It is equipped with a rubber gasket so no fine debris (larger than 10 microns) can pass through it. Once a week we recommend you remove this filter and either blow it out with an air nozzle, or vacuum out with a .
This filter has a self cleaning mechanism within the machine that is set up according to your cleaning schedule. Even though the sweeper has a self cleaning mechanism, we still recommend pulling the filter out once a week and cleaning it to ensure their are no tears in the paper material, or it hasn't become too filthy. If the paper media becomes torn or too filthy to adequately clean, you should replace this filter immediately to protect the vacuum motors and optimize vacuuming performance of your sweeper. This filter can be replaced without the use of any tools.
You should make a habit of not only checking your main paper filter, but also checking on the to make sure it is not clogged with larger debris. Each of these filters should be checked weekly, and replaced after 200 hours of vacuuming.