Usage: These four brushes will allow you to paint most subjects in Chinese Brush Painting, Sumi-e, and even Calligraphy.
Hair Type: Includes 2 Combination and 2 Hard Hair Brushes
Hair Group: Traditionally Wolf/Weasel and Goat/Sheep Hair
Description: OAS chose these four brushes as a budget friendly alternative to our artist quality Happy Dot, OAS Flow, Orchid Bamboo Large and OAS Large Flow. They're intended to delivery high performance for a value price.
PRE Series Brush Set includes:
- H1PR: PRE-Happy Dot
- H2PR: PRE-Orchid Bamboo
- C2PRC: PRE-Flow
- C2PRD: PRE-Large Flow
New to Chinese Brush Painting and Japanese Sumi-e? Have you fallen in love with its beauty and simplicity but are intimidated by starting a new medium that requires a whole different set of equipment?
After an extensive search and testing, we've found a supplier to ensure quality and consistency to meet OAS’s demands! This introductory brush set includes four brushes that will arm you with the ability to jump into many forms of Chinese Brush Painting and Sumi-e. Paint flowers, birds, animals and some low moisture landscapes with this basic introductory set.
No more excuses! Get started now!